Is there any way to import saves from a previous version? Game is reasonably long now and it would be nice to be able to get back where you were quickly.
Absolutely enjoyed the update this game got. The new units are fun to play with and grant new tactics. With only one of them being more unique and outright 'for fun' than anything. (Iblis).
Main concerns are that either I still cannot find the exit button on this game. Or that 1 has still not been created for the PC version. Or even worse, that it simply doesn't work. (Assuming the red X under the sorting button is in fact, the exit button.)
While understandably, this game will have preds that are useful and others that aren't. With others being just far superior versions of them. I thoroughly believe the minotauress NEEDS to be buffed. It is pretty shameful to cost 75 energy yet be unable to survive against more powerful enemies. She clearly has a bit of health, she's certainly got some strength. Yet she never lasts anywhere near as long on the battlefield. When compared to the 'weaker but tankier version' of her. The centauress.
It's not even just about cannon balls and catapults or them pyromaniac plague doctors. The minotauress just dies to almost everything that she can't immediately devour. Making her useless for anything but early world enemies. I witnessed a lvl 14 version of her die within 3-4 sword swings against a black knight. Didn't even take off a quarter of their health, let alone half, before her death. I'm not even playing on an 'extreme difficulty' as i've gone up to lvl 105 in difficulty spike.
Having played some more and tested my own theory. I saw that she did not die to a single black knight. It usually takes multiple enemies to bring her down swiftly. I still think it would be nice if she survived a bit more. As again, she costs 75 energy. But I also understand it would be hard to properly balance a character. That is made to be a heavy-hitter and has regenerative capabilities.
If no stat boosts. I'd argue that at least lowering the costs would suffice. Down to 65, dare I say, even down to 60. It mostly depends on how 'OP' this character is supposed to be. IS she supposed to be 100% worth the high cost? OR is she supposed to be just a more expensive and better version of the centaur?
Aside from my picky ramblings. I also noticed Eze seems to enjoy suddenly having no desires to fight. I'm not sure what all causes this to happen. But 1 reason seems to be simply placing another Eze on the field? Another seems to be that they simply don't 'care' for any enemies aside from those who have ranged attacks. Which obviously is not good cause she do be squishy (in more ways than 1).
Finally. The slime girl is also squishy, in both forms. Unless you can somehow hold a group of enemies in front of her. When she's been separated. Then she will not ever stand a chance at reforming into her fully formed self(s).
I'm not sure, but there seems to be something wrong with the Acid-stained newspaper dropout. Especially with increasing odds and difficulty. Drop items 210%
A hilarious but critical bug. The kitsune's pedal is broken or something. She doesn't get a second tail, but she keeps getting stronger all the time. As a result, damage and defense become fabulous, you can say divine kitsune.
Please nerf the bard if there is just one of them on screen the can cause all melee enemies to basically teleport to sophie causing an instant death also lower the health of pyromancers, lower poison damage to sophie because a single ranged zombie can take out a fifth of her health bar in one shot ,and limit the amount of summoned zombies also make it so predators prioritize human units over zombies and make the vampire chick have the undead trait, there should also just be a predator whose job it is to tank large groups of units and the burp spell should cancel bard charge, maybe make the charge instead attached to the jousting units and the bard just adds an attack speed boost to melee units ,you should also give us the ability to increase Sophie's damage as she levels up ,you don't need to add everything but these are just my balancing suggestions sorry for no grammar but my biggest wish is to add healing to the game in some way ,and please make it so palidins and engineers have different hats
Gamemaker isn't giving me enough info with this error message.. I kinda tried blocking all the codes that could possibly cause this issue in 1.4.1, but I'm not sure if it works because this error message doesn't really specify which part of the code is causing this crash. Dang.
I noticed that the game is in "released" status. Does that mean that there wouldn't be any updates anymore, except some occasional bug fixes? I just feel like the game is unfinished, there's atleast a shark girl left, that we're yet to fight.
If there will be more updates on their YouTube account, they did a live stream creating a new troop that is a slime, and I think they are planning new characters."
When I started playing this game, I had fun playing it and while some levels might've been a little challenging, it was still pretty good. Then came zombies... at first, they didn't give too much trouble, but as I went further, levels with zombies became increasingly harder. Now I'm stuck at W3-12 and it's litteraly impossible to complete it. Not only do they come in large numbers, there's also necromancers that keep spamming even more zombies, while you're trying to survive against a horde of enemies. Also should not forget about a zombie with smth on its head that's just very tanky, uses ranged attack that poisons targets and makes you or your characters regret eating him, because once again - poison. And as a cherry on top - whenever you push enemies that got too close to you far away, they just come back instantly, moving at a speed around 1 mach. Also should mention paladins that have an ability to stun your character from far away, using some sort of magic or idk, because I believe they should stun your character by basically hitting them on a head but they just don't care. I have also tried using someone's advice to complete W3-12, but it just does not work. Yeah, you can suck up your enemies, but:
1. You are definitely gonna suck up a zombie, that's gonna poison Orca
2. Not all enemies close to you will be sucked up, I'd say only around a half of the first wave or even less. And worst of all, by the time second wave comes, you will be left with little to no hp and energy(DP) and it's likely that there's still gonna be remains of first wave that will finish you off. Also should mention an absurd speed of enemies that come at first wave and "tanky" units getting disintegrated in seconds, like level 12 centaur or minotaur.
I might not be a "good" player, but these zombies(and paladins a little bit too) are a problem.
While I 100% agree that the final stage feels impossible. It is the final stage. Made purely to give you a run for your money no matter how powerful you've become. Even when I survive the 2 hordes of enemies. It's usually a 50-50 whether or not I can actually beat the Heroine.
To try and help out, however. This is my strategy that has so far worked.
Place a goblin mage around top right corner at the start of the stage. Feed her what you do not feed the orca, so that you boost your kinetic attack. Make sure to have orca's energy maxed out before the hordes come. Once you see the hordes spawning in, focus on the necromancer summoners. They are your top priority, if you must focus on anything else. The trumpet lady is your other choice. Should you pick up any zombies while spamming your kinetic attack like crazy. Just toss them up in the air once. Then feed your zombie free pickings to the orca. No matter how fast and powerful you are. Enemies will start gathering up and attacking the Orca soon. Should all go well and no more summoners exist. Spam the orca's suction ability until the cannoner's arrive.
By this point you want to focus on sending out 2 specific allies. Centaurs and Kitsunes. Use the kitsunes as a panic button of sorts. Extremely cheap fodder meant for nothing but blocking 1-2 attacks and or a singular cannon shot. The centaurs however are made for soaking up attention and attacks. Place them in front of stray paladins and black knights.
When the heroine shows up is when things get truly annoying. By now you want to be almost 70% focused on her and her only. Always have 2 centaurs in front of her, if you can. Place them somewhat apart from each other. This can usually lead to the heroine 'wasting' an attack. As she only hits the 2 centaurs if your arguably lucky. By now you want to be focusing on slow but steady DMG. Placing Alraune and Mooru is the best for this. Do not overplay, however. As some more catapults will come along and gladly wipe them all out and waste your energy. So obviously, spread them out and perhaps even leave 1-2 close to the spawning zone. They'll get wiped out but at least it would be just that 1-2.
Once 260 enemies have been eliminated. You will have no more fear of stray catapults showing up. If you've done extremely well/got very lucky. Then you should be close to 300 max energy and hopefully a surviving Alraune or 3. By now you can either focus on trying to get as much reserve energy as possible. To continue spamming centaurs and slowly chipping away the heroine's health. Or you can try to get some last Alraune's out. I'd recommend energy. As you never know when the heroine will just simply attack very widely. And wipe out all those background allies.
So, you're basically looking to have a team of. 1 Goblin Mage, 1 Mooru, 2-3 centuars, 2 kitsunes, 3-4 Alraune's.
As a final note. I'd consider the kitsunes completely useless once they reach 160 energy consumption.
Hopefully this helps someone and I will go ahead and say. This is obviously not the most perfect strategy. Don't blame me if you try it once and still fail.
I want to thank you for this strategy. It actually worked, though I did not follow it completely, sometimes improvising. I also did not do it at first try, but it took me around 4-5 tries and I have achieved victory. I have also done it with lv. 1 difficulty, and even so I still had a hard time at the start, when 2 waves were approaching. From personal experience, I want to say that everything past two waves of enemies was not that difficult. This is my setup:
lvl 18 Orca with 220% max hp buff and 180% defense
lvl 13 goblin mage
lvl 14 centaur
lvl 11 centaur
lvl 13 kitsune
lvl 12 kitsune
lvl 14 mushroom girl
lvl 12 Alraune(flower girl)
lvl 11 flower girl
I also have 2 more characters here, but they do not matter, as I have never used them in a fight. Also, during waves goblin mage was constantly dying and I have spawned her twice in a fight. And well, I didn't get much profit from her after I have spawned her second time,she died as quickly. Also, centaurs and kitsunes had enough health to survive 1 shot from heavy artillery, so that gave me some time.
By the way, what does the upper buff of swordsman do? I have an error
Well it's either characters' attack CD, or your clicking CD. At some point I noticed that my empowered clicks were charging up real fast, though it also could be a buff from goblin mage. I can try to upgrade attack CD further and see if my characters' CD is shorter. But man will that cost a lot of money, it already takes me around 5k currency to upgrade it further. I wish increasing lv. would also increase the amount of moni you would get from a stage, not just upgrade items
OK, I've tested this thing and it actually buffs char's attack CD. As you can see on these screenshots, my minotaur had 5.8 seconds CD at 76% buff. After I've upgraded it to 67%, the same minotaur's attack CD became 4.9 seconds, which means that it's CD decreased by almost a second. It's not really easy to see the numbers on mobile(I hope developer will fix thix), but if you look close enough you wouldprobably see it.
I see. Doesn't feel as if my army is attacking any faster than it has been. But since most of my focus is everywhere else. I would imagine it's hard to see minor differences like those. (Unless you fully max it out and you just watch a minotauress do a 6-hit combo in 2 seconds flat. which would be possibly funny to watch IMO.)
My game keep crashing every time i play it when I update it it doesn't let me play it keep giveing me this I need help to fix it and for I can keep playing it still the game is fun but not the lag of crashing help pl.
P.S. Im playing it on my phone not on the computer.
For the most part, the game pretty fun! Enjoyed my time with the latest update.
Of course, I do have issues...
- Enemy hitboxes are really weird. I know this is explained in the help menu that hitboxes usually are on their feet, but it can be pretty disorienting for newcomers.
- Frontline Pred AI is scuffed. Whatever Pred you place at the start of the stage is probably gonna get stuck on the enemy spawn unable to do anything. This sucks, especially with the more pricier units since they'll just get stuck really fast. The easiest solution would be to give them the ability to turn around if they get too close to enemy spawn or maybe let the player drag them around for a little bit to reposition them.
- It's unclear what certain units do based on their in-game description... While I do like some flavor text, it's also important to state what they do or what buffs they give you. This also goes for certain enemy units (specifically, the heroes)
- The Unit Summon menu needs some work regarding what chances each of the Preds have of getting pulled.
- More backgrounds would be welcome, since the beach one DEFINITELY doesn't the locations of the later worlds.
- More music, even if it's royalty free, would be welcome. That soft, calm tune that plays during battles feels out of place...
Those were all the criticisms I have at the moment. Keep working hard on the game!
I agree with most of everything said. But just to add some clarity. The summon menu shows off which "main" pred you'll be pulling. In the top left corner when you are on the summoning screen. As indicated by the X5 beside their image. Everything else is kinda meant to just be feed for da Orca.
While certainly not every detail is given in the descriptions of enemies and allies alike. The demon lord does actually state most of the info. Using the mummy for example. The demon lord tells you that she is in fact an attack buffer. When fully fed of course. She also grants a cooldown reduction buff when fed undead enemies. (As seen by a golden glow/shading enveloping the mummy after eating a zombie.) So, while yes, some units have been given a more so "last minute" description. Rather than a fully developed log of info and flavor text. I personally haven't seen any that was unclear enough. That I couldn't grasp what they do.
This was just to help clarify. Not trying to attack or anything of that nature. <3
I'm not 100% sure as to when/why/how. I've finally gotten the pills to drop. Since they started dropping for me since I've updated my game to latest version (1.3.17). But either it requires somewhere around 1000% drop rate. Or beating the games current final stage. I cannot tell you what actually causes it as I basically achieved both of these. Within the same 10-20 minutes of each other.
To be utterly precise. I mean just 'being able to use' 1000%. Not actually using it via difficulty spike. I'm leaning more towards the idea that it's based on completion. Of the last stage to be precise, again. Because I sure haven't completed the last stage above difficulty lvl 21. And they still are dropping them with surprising ease.
Great game altogether. Still need to beat last 2 or so lvl's but I've been having a good time. Only problems I've seen aside from not being able to exit the game. (As in the big red X under the sort button doesn't work, assuming that is the exit button.) Is the fact that I can't get any Anti-digestion pills. I've gotten up to 200% natural drop rate. Even boosting the rates by an extra 500% via difficulty spike. I've yet to see a single one of the things.
I'm also not completely sure about this either, as it wouldn't make much sense. But I think if enemies are killed "before they get on the map" so to speak. (In other words, you have unit's like Kitsune-Pike ladies. Just holding down the front line. Where the enemy's spawn.) Then they don't drop any supplies, ever. Either that or for some reason the Kitsune's do not allow enemies to drop supplies.
No, I've been experiencing the same issue. Not a single antiacid. I thought maybe getting the construction workers that also drop them would work but nothing. It could be that there drops are bugged
Strangely enough. I've been getting the pills now since the latest update. I've also gotten to about 1000% item boost, so maybe it's just absurdly rare? Or the game literally prevents it from dropping unless you reach a specific drop rate? I kinda don't doubt that's the case. As in all honesty by that point of the (current 1.3.17) game you've all but fully beaten it. I've also noticed the deployment line has been shrunk back a bit. So that it's not at the literal edge of the screen.
The sandbags also actually drop them as well now as the enemy description says they should. Instead of just being minor annoyances.
If one of the support characters that are placed on the side happen to die, the game crashes (I found this out when the Mummy, Darkness Spirit, Goblin Mage, Fehnia, and Mooru)
← Return to game
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not gonna lie, mooru is hot as fuck
Is there any way to import saves from a previous version? Game is reasonably long now and it would be nice to be able to get back where you were quickly.
Automatically import saves from the prev version
I wanna rename myself cause the game wouldn't let me change my name but I don't want to restart
What's the 1.4.2 update and what's the max level for troops and Solphie?
how can i download the V1.4.0 update, it only gives me the option for 1.3.17 still
Fixed it
Thank you!
could u make the drop rate of the digestive pill to be a bit easier cus it was the most rarest item to drop from the enemy unit
Absolutely enjoyed the update this game got. The new units are fun to play with and grant new tactics. With only one of them being more unique and outright 'for fun' than anything. (Iblis).
Main concerns are that either I still cannot find the exit button on this game. Or that 1 has still not been created for the PC version. Or even worse, that it simply doesn't work. (Assuming the red X under the sorting button is in fact, the exit button.)
While understandably, this game will have preds that are useful and others that aren't. With others being just far superior versions of them. I thoroughly believe the minotauress NEEDS to be buffed. It is pretty shameful to cost 75 energy yet be unable to survive against more powerful enemies. She clearly has a bit of health, she's certainly got some strength. Yet she never lasts anywhere near as long on the battlefield. When compared to the 'weaker but tankier version' of her. The centauress.
It's not even just about cannon balls and catapults or them pyromaniac plague doctors. The minotauress just dies to almost everything that she can't immediately devour. Making her useless for anything but early world enemies. I witnessed a lvl 14 version of her die within 3-4 sword swings against a black knight. Didn't even take off a quarter of their health, let alone half, before her death. I'm not even playing on an 'extreme difficulty' as i've gone up to lvl 105 in difficulty spike.
You can use alt F4 to close the game
And hmm, thought the minotaur was good enough
My minotaur is level 18.
I survived a “projectile stone” attack and quickly recovered from 5,000 damage.
... I think the game balance is right if level 1 is the basic difficulty.
Having played some more and tested my own theory. I saw that she did not die to a single black knight. It usually takes multiple enemies to bring her down swiftly. I still think it would be nice if she survived a bit more. As again, she costs 75 energy. But I also understand it would be hard to properly balance a character. That is made to be a heavy-hitter and has regenerative capabilities.
If no stat boosts. I'd argue that at least lowering the costs would suffice. Down to 65, dare I say, even down to 60. It mostly depends on how 'OP' this character is supposed to be. IS she supposed to be 100% worth the high cost? OR is she supposed to be just a more expensive and better version of the centaur?
Aside from my picky ramblings. I also noticed Eze seems to enjoy suddenly having no desires to fight. I'm not sure what all causes this to happen. But 1 reason seems to be simply placing another Eze on the field? Another seems to be that they simply don't 'care' for any enemies aside from those who have ranged attacks. Which obviously is not good cause she do be squishy (in more ways than 1).
Finally. The slime girl is also squishy, in both forms. Unless you can somehow hold a group of enemies in front of her. When she's been separated. Then she will not ever stand a chance at reforming into her fully formed self(s).
I'm not sure, but there seems to be something wrong with the Acid-stained newspaper dropout. Especially with increasing odds and difficulty. Drop items 210%
Oh, true
A hilarious but critical bug. The kitsune's pedal is broken or something. She doesn't get a second tail, but she keeps getting stronger all the time. As a result, damage and defense become fabulous, you can say divine kitsune.
Oops. Fixed this issue in 1.4.1
Wow, that's fast.
Please nerf the bard if there is just one of them on screen the can cause all melee enemies to basically teleport to sophie causing an instant death also lower the health of pyromancers, lower poison damage to sophie because a single ranged zombie can take out a fifth of her health bar in one shot ,and limit the amount of summoned zombies also make it so predators prioritize human units over zombies and make the vampire chick have the undead trait, there should also just be a predator whose job it is to tank large groups of units and the burp spell should cancel bard charge, maybe make the charge instead attached to the jousting units and the bard just adds an attack speed boost to melee units ,you should also give us the ability to increase Sophie's damage as she levels up ,you don't need to add everything but these are just my balancing suggestions sorry for no grammar but my biggest wish is to add healing to the game in some way ,and please make it so palidins and engineers have different hats
Hey, keep getting this error code, didn't know if this was the right place to put it, sorry about that!
ERROR in action number 1
of Other Event: <unknown> for object obj_ally_root:
Unable to find instance for object index 100099
at gml_Object_obj_ally_root_Other_59
gml_Object_obj_ally_root_Other_59 (line -1)
gml_Object_obj_ally_root_Step_0 (line -1)
Gamemaker isn't giving me enough info with this error message..
I kinda tried blocking all the codes that could possibly cause this issue in 1.4.1, but I'm not sure if it works because this error message doesn't really specify which part of the code is causing this crash. Dang.
This game's great!
Are you seriously going to be adding futa now? :(
If you don't like it, you can just not use that character
Yeah... until 15 more get added
just feed them all to the whale lady (I forgot her name)
Futa is fine
Just a lore question, does the human devoured regenerate like the Demon queen said in the beginning or she just lied to ease our "guilt"? 🤔💋
I noticed that the game is in "released" status. Does that mean that there wouldn't be any updates anymore, except some occasional bug fixes? I just feel like the game is unfinished, there's atleast a shark girl left, that we're yet to fight.
If there will be more updates on their YouTube account, they did a live stream creating a new troop that is a slime, and I think they are planning new characters."
I didn't know they have a youtube channel? And it's not ban for tos violation?
hey uh how do we lower the volume?
Efficient way to collect water
Tell us.
I am SN-2
yo estoy estancado en el W3-10.
When I started playing this game, I had fun playing it and while some levels might've been a little challenging, it was still pretty good. Then came zombies... at first, they didn't give too much trouble, but as I went further, levels with zombies became increasingly harder. Now I'm stuck at W3-12 and it's litteraly impossible to complete it. Not only do they come in large numbers, there's also necromancers that keep spamming even more zombies, while you're trying to survive against a horde of enemies. Also should not forget about a zombie with smth on its head that's just very tanky, uses ranged attack that poisons targets and makes you or your characters regret eating him, because once again - poison. And as a cherry on top - whenever you push enemies that got too close to you far away, they just come back instantly, moving at a speed around 1 mach. Also should mention paladins that have an ability to stun your character from far away, using some sort of magic or idk, because I believe they should stun your character by basically hitting them on a head but they just don't care. I have also tried using someone's advice to complete W3-12, but it just does not work. Yeah, you can suck up your enemies, but:
1. You are definitely gonna suck up a zombie, that's gonna poison Orca
2. Not all enemies close to you will be sucked up, I'd say only around a half of the first wave or even less. And worst of all, by the time second wave comes, you will be left with little to no hp and energy(DP) and it's likely that there's still gonna be remains of first wave that will finish you off. Also should mention an absurd speed of enemies that come at first wave and "tanky" units getting disintegrated in seconds, like level 12 centaur or minotaur.
I might not be a "good" player, but these zombies(and paladins a little bit too) are a problem.
While I 100% agree that the final stage feels impossible. It is the final stage. Made purely to give you a run for your money no matter how powerful you've become. Even when I survive the 2 hordes of enemies. It's usually a 50-50 whether or not I can actually beat the Heroine.
To try and help out, however. This is my strategy that has so far worked.
Place a goblin mage around top right corner at the start of the stage. Feed her what you do not feed the orca, so that you boost your kinetic attack. Make sure to have orca's energy maxed out before the hordes come. Once you see the hordes spawning in, focus on the necromancer summoners. They are your top priority, if you must focus on anything else. The trumpet lady is your other choice. Should you pick up any zombies while spamming your kinetic attack like crazy. Just toss them up in the air once. Then feed your zombie free pickings to the orca. No matter how fast and powerful you are. Enemies will start gathering up and attacking the Orca soon. Should all go well and no more summoners exist. Spam the orca's suction ability until the cannoner's arrive.
By this point you want to focus on sending out 2 specific allies. Centaurs and Kitsunes. Use the kitsunes as a panic button of sorts. Extremely cheap fodder meant for nothing but blocking 1-2 attacks and or a singular cannon shot. The centaurs however are made for soaking up attention and attacks. Place them in front of stray paladins and black knights.
When the heroine shows up is when things get truly annoying. By now you want to be almost 70% focused on her and her only. Always have 2 centaurs in front of her, if you can. Place them somewhat apart from each other. This can usually lead to the heroine 'wasting' an attack. As she only hits the 2 centaurs if your arguably lucky. By now you want to be focusing on slow but steady DMG. Placing Alraune and Mooru is the best for this. Do not overplay, however. As some more catapults will come along and gladly wipe them all out and waste your energy. So obviously, spread them out and perhaps even leave 1-2 close to the spawning zone. They'll get wiped out but at least it would be just that 1-2.
Once 260 enemies have been eliminated. You will have no more fear of stray catapults showing up. If you've done extremely well/got very lucky. Then you should be close to 300 max energy and hopefully a surviving Alraune or 3. By now you can either focus on trying to get as much reserve energy as possible. To continue spamming centaurs and slowly chipping away the heroine's health. Or you can try to get some last Alraune's out. I'd recommend energy. As you never know when the heroine will just simply attack very widely. And wipe out all those background allies.
So, you're basically looking to have a team of. 1 Goblin Mage, 1 Mooru, 2-3 centuars, 2 kitsunes, 3-4 Alraune's.
As a final note. I'd consider the kitsunes completely useless once they reach 160 energy consumption.
Hopefully this helps someone and I will go ahead and say. This is obviously not the most perfect strategy. Don't blame me if you try it once and still fail.
I want to thank you for this strategy. It actually worked, though I did not follow it completely, sometimes improvising. I also did not do it at first try, but it took me around 4-5 tries and I have achieved victory. I have also done it with lv. 1 difficulty, and even so I still had a hard time at the start, when 2 waves were approaching. From personal experience, I want to say that everything past two waves of enemies was not that difficult. This is my setup:
lvl 18 Orca with 220% max hp buff and 180% defense
lvl 13 goblin mage
lvl 14 centaur
lvl 11 centaur
lvl 13 kitsune
lvl 12 kitsune
lvl 14 mushroom girl
lvl 12 Alraune(flower girl)
lvl 11 flower girl
I also have 2 more characters here, but they do not matter, as I have never used them in a fight. Also, during waves goblin mage was constantly dying and I have spawned her twice in a fight. And well, I didn't get much profit from her after I have spawned her second time,she died as quickly. Also, centaurs and kitsunes had enough health to survive 1 shot from heavy artillery, so that gave me some time.
By the way, what does the upper buff of swordsman do? I have an error
That is shorter re-deployment time. Can't tell you what attack cooldown does though. As idk what attack it's lessening.
Well it's either characters' attack CD, or your clicking CD. At some point I noticed that my empowered clicks were charging up real fast, though it also could be a buff from goblin mage. I can try to upgrade attack CD further and see if my characters' CD is shorter. But man will that cost a lot of money, it already takes me around 5k currency to upgrade it further. I wish increasing lv. would also increase the amount of moni you would get from a stage, not just upgrade items
OK, I've tested this thing and it actually buffs char's attack CD. As you can see on these screenshots, my minotaur had 5.8 seconds CD at 76% buff. After I've upgraded it to 67%, the same minotaur's attack CD became 4.9 seconds, which means that it's CD decreased by almost a second. It's not really easy to see the numbers on mobile(I hope developer will fix thix), but if you look close enough you would


probably see it.
I see. Doesn't feel as if my army is attacking any faster than it has been. But since most of my focus is everywhere else. I would imagine it's hard to see minor differences like those. (Unless you fully max it out and you just watch a minotauress do a 6-hit combo in 2 seconds flat. which would be possibly funny to watch IMO.)
My game keep crashing every time i play it when I update it it doesn't let me play it keep giveing me this I need help to fix it and for I can keep playing it still the game is fun but not the lag of crashing help pl.
P.S. Im playing it on my phone not on the computer.
I can't fix it if you don't explain when the error happens
Yes this glitch happens randomly on android too
Will there be pred enemy in the future?
For the most part, the game pretty fun! Enjoyed my time with the latest update.
Of course, I do have issues...
- Enemy hitboxes are really weird. I know this is explained in the help menu that hitboxes usually are on their feet, but it can be pretty disorienting for newcomers.
- Frontline Pred AI is scuffed. Whatever Pred you place at the start of the stage is probably gonna get stuck on the enemy spawn unable to do anything. This sucks, especially with the more pricier units since they'll just get stuck really fast. The easiest solution would be to give them the ability to turn around if they get too close to enemy spawn or maybe let the player drag them around for a little bit to reposition them.
- It's unclear what certain units do based on their in-game description... While I do like some flavor text, it's also important to state what they do or what buffs they give you. This also goes for certain enemy units (specifically, the heroes)
- The Unit Summon menu needs some work regarding what chances each of the Preds have of getting pulled.
- More backgrounds would be welcome, since the beach one DEFINITELY doesn't the locations of the later worlds.
- More music, even if it's royalty free, would be welcome. That soft, calm tune that plays during battles feels out of place...
Those were all the criticisms I have at the moment. Keep working hard on the game!
I agree with most of everything said. But just to add some clarity. The summon menu shows off which "main" pred you'll be pulling. In the top left corner when you are on the summoning screen. As indicated by the X5 beside their image. Everything else is kinda meant to just be feed for da Orca.
While certainly not every detail is given in the descriptions of enemies and allies alike. The demon lord does actually state most of the info. Using the mummy for example. The demon lord tells you that she is in fact an attack buffer. When fully fed of course. She also grants a cooldown reduction buff when fed undead enemies. (As seen by a golden glow/shading enveloping the mummy after eating a zombie.) So, while yes, some units have been given a more so "last minute" description. Rather than a fully developed log of info and flavor text. I personally haven't seen any that was unclear enough. That I couldn't grasp what they do.
This was just to help clarify. Not trying to attack or anything of that nature. <3
FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!
Is there any anal vore in the game? Cause I would love that
The plant has it "kinda"
how do i acces the bellly?
After defeating the blue haired hero it will be available to you after completing a few more levels
Thank you
Particular enemies drop certain drops, however it seems no matter the drop rate boosting, you don't get it... could be bugged at the moment.
I'm not 100% sure as to when/why/how. I've finally gotten the pills to drop. Since they started dropping for me since I've updated my game to latest version (1.3.17). But either it requires somewhere around 1000% drop rate. Or beating the games current final stage. I cannot tell you what actually causes it as I basically achieved both of these. Within the same 10-20 minutes of each other.
i see welp the 3 stages goin to be a b it hardcpre then
To be utterly precise. I mean just 'being able to use' 1000%. Not actually using it via difficulty spike. I'm leaning more towards the idea that it's based on completion. Of the last stage to be precise, again. Because I sure haven't completed the last stage above difficulty lvl 21. And they still are dropping them with surprising ease.
i see ill keep in 65 difficulty for good drops then
cannon too OP so GG
can you make the belly bigger? B )
Another bug
ERROR in action number 1
of Other Event: <unknown> for object obj_ally_root:
Unable to find instance for object index 127871
at gml_Object_obj_ally_root_Other_59
gml_Object_obj_ally_root_Other_59 (line -1)
gml_Object_obj_ally_root_Step_0 (line -1)
I would like to know what the 1.3.17 update is.
I noticed that the state of the units is now in numbers, and items drops vertically upwards.
Also lancer's were nerfed.When objects fall out, they stack up and dont't clog up half of the screen. Sandbag drops antacid
Huh!? Fox Lancer is getting weaker?
... I haven't used it much, but I don't think it's that strong.
I mean enemy lancer.
Oh... Ok... my mistake.
thank u for the buff for centaur she do need to be a bit of bulkier and i alredy seen alranues spam is quite imbalanced there
Great game altogether. Still need to beat last 2 or so lvl's but I've been having a good time. Only problems I've seen aside from not being able to exit the game. (As in the big red X under the sort button doesn't work, assuming that is the exit button.) Is the fact that I can't get any Anti-digestion pills. I've gotten up to 200% natural drop rate. Even boosting the rates by an extra 500% via difficulty spike. I've yet to see a single one of the things.
I'm also not completely sure about this either, as it wouldn't make much sense. But I think if enemies are killed "before they get on the map" so to speak. (In other words, you have unit's like Kitsune-Pike ladies. Just holding down the front line. Where the enemy's spawn.) Then they don't drop any supplies, ever. Either that or for some reason the Kitsune's do not allow enemies to drop supplies.
No, I've been experiencing the same issue. Not a single antiacid. I thought maybe getting the construction workers that also drop them would work but nothing. It could be that there drops are bugged
Strangely enough. I've been getting the pills now since the latest update. I've also gotten to about 1000% item boost, so maybe it's just absurdly rare? Or the game literally prevents it from dropping unless you reach a specific drop rate? I kinda don't doubt that's the case. As in all honesty by that point of the (current 1.3.17) game you've all but fully beaten it. I've also noticed the deployment line has been shrunk back a bit. So that it's not at the literal edge of the screen.
The sandbags also actually drop them as well now as the enemy description says they should. Instead of just being minor annoyances.
If one of the support characters that are placed on the side happen to die, the game crashes (I found this out when the Mummy, Darkness Spirit, Goblin Mage, Fehnia, and Mooru)
ERROR in action number 1
of Step Event0 for object obj_enemy_root:
Unable to find instance for object index 148974
at gml_Object_obj_enemy_root_Step_0
gml_Object_obj_enemy_root_Step_0 (line -1)
Need help
Everytime I try to install I get this message.
Luciel still crashes the game when destroying baricades