A downloadable game for Windows and Android

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Click your enemies,Lift them up,

Let them melt inside stomachs!

The updated version of 'World Eater', the Vorish Defense game I developed 2 years ago.

New elements from the update : 

1.3.5 : 

2 New characters : Snake lady & Alraune

Chapther 3  unlocked! 12 more battles to enjoy.

And various convenience patches

- Supports PC now.
- Allies are bulkier.
- Solphie can bonk enemies that gets hear her.
- The game runs on 60 frames/sec
- There's a basic guide now.
- You can now give up in battles.

1.3.6  - 1.3.8 : 

Fixed some bugs.

- You don't have to turn off the story in W3-4 to W3-8 now.

- The sandbags will no longer crash the game when an ally predator destroys it.

- Nerfed Alraune's DP cost (10 -> 20), for being too spammable.

1.3.9 :

- Better SORT button. It will actually sort your units by their species.

1.3.10 : 

- Allied predators now properly eliminate enemies instead of duplicating them.


- Alraune will be less likely to target the the enemies that are midair.

- Sensei, Paladin, and Canoneers have less attack now.

- Fixed a few crashing bugs. 


- Fixed the sandbag crashing issue.

- Cannoneers have less health now.

- Shadow elemental no longer decreases units' HP.


- Titana the cow properly recovers HP now.


- New character, Mooru the Mushroom updated


3 More predators, and a few more maps.


Kirn the fox no longer levels up infinitely.


3 more allies, with addditional stages to challenge.

- Shoho the Scientist : Doesn't move, but will buff allies with potions.

- Seir the djinn : Backline ally, will generate random items when fed.

- Choming the mint dragon : Can be eaten by other allies, and increase their bulk by doing so.

- Catapults, cannons, and plague doctors will no longer attack as soon as they spawn, so they will be totally reactable.

- Some close range combat units are able to turn around now.


Fixed mummy/choming/Iblis related crashing bugs.


Choming will no longer crash the game when she's selected to be eaten by Solphie for her EXP


Shoho will now be shown properly in dialogues.


Ninjas will no longer freeze the game.


I've fixed the "Unable to find instance for object index at gml_Script_scr_ally_findtarget " crashing bug.

Updated 4 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Android
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(58 total ratings)
Tags2D, Adult, GameMaker, Tower Defense, vore


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

castle defense 1.4.2.zip 82 MB
castle defense 1.4.2.apk 95 MB
castle defense 1.4.8.zip 152 MB
castle defense 1.4.8.apk 165 MB

Development log


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Yo just wondering how many AV preds there are. I only found Eze so far and she only does her AV animation on one enemy. Besides the lack of vore representation it's actually pretty amazing but that could be explained by creator preference or bad luck on my part.


Please add Russian language


Oh the newest version still bugs in the mobile,so it doesnt open.


You need to remove flash from SR-1 that would just make some blind even people already wear glass




What you mean no

Just curious - are you okay with me using Solphie, disconnected from this world, in fanfiction I plan to write? Obviously it won't be EXACTLY the same, since I'm not you and don't know where the story is going, and I don't intend to give her the same origins, but I mean a full-sized orca girl with the same name and general personality.

If you prefer I don't, I don't actually mind pivoting away the characterization and giving her a different name when the time comes.

I'll err on the side of "no", since you haven't responded.

Is Casie (the wolf girl ninja) supposed to be permanently stuck sitting after after reaching capacity? Description says its only supposed to be for a short time.

It depends on digest speed i think pair her with the black goo woman.


I just want to commend you on fixing so many bugs so fast. I imagine there's more to go, obviously, but when the 1.4.3 update I had downloaded was quite buggy, I expected to need to wait a week or so for you to fix it.

Only a day or so later (I'm bad with time, but it was very fast), it's already running smoothly for me, and with new features I've either been waiting for (allies can turn around to attack), or new allies I find really interesting and fun. (Buffing characters are great, and I like how both mechanics work.)


Since I updated the game to mobile versions 1.4.7 and 1.4.8, it only goes up to the GameMaker logo, then the screen goes black and closes by itself. (English is not my native language, sorry for any mistakes).


cant wait to see what happens with the bishop hope for a good boss battle when it comes out

Your allies are attacking the ninja and you don't eat them.

Like certain boss characters.

“ソルフィー(killer whale)” can only eat it?


During IB-2 the game crashes after like 80+ enemies defeated and I don't know why


ERROR in action number 1

of  Step Event0 for object obj_ally_root:

Unable to find instance for object index 107152

at gml_Script_scr_ally_findtarget


gml_Script_scr_ally_findtarget (line -1)


I fixed it in 1.4.8. It was a code that never caused a problem this far... only because it can cause problems only in the circumstances of characters being around to turn around. Never expected this to happen.
Anyway it's been dealt with. Thanks for the report.


got a little bored ngl


"the buffs are inf and stack able "


This is hilarious and I hope this doesn't change, lol.

I already had the idea of using 2 or 3 at once, but I somehow forgot I could stack copies on the bar to make things ridiculous.

Definitely messing around next time I play.

(1 edit) (+1)

play 1.4.7  W4-3



ERROR in action number 1

of  Step Event0 for object obj_ally_root:

Unable to find instance for object index 100655

at gml_Script_scr_ally_findtarget


gml_Script_scr_ally_findtarget (line -1)


Fixed it in 1.4.8



ERROR in action number 1

of  Step Event0 for object obj_ally_root:

Unable to find instance for object index 101932

at gml_Script_scr_ally_findtarget


gml_Script_scr_ally_findtarget (line -1)


Fixed it in 1.4.8. Hope this is the last bug that's in the current update :x
Sorry, I develop this thing all by myself so I can't properly check the bugs X_X

Bug? Report

The cost required to summon a minotaur is decreasing each time it is summoned.


(1 edit) (+1)

I tried to buff her by making the cost cheaper every time you deploy her. You won't be able to spam her anyway because of the cooldown. So yep, it's intentional.

Glad to see my most favorite character enhanced!

I'm going to go review the story now that the Japanese translation has been fixed in various ways.

Thanks for your hard work!

Also, I'm about to press New Game by mistake.

I need to make a copy of my save data and save it.

Where can I find it?

game crashes when you switch view in solphie's stomach, also crashes whenever a mummy eats a zombie

(1 edit) (+1)

Fixed in 1.4.7

i dont wanna be a bother, but is it possible to add an option to mute the music or make it quieter? its a bit loud

(1 edit)

Some minions don't load and crash my game :(

(2 edits)

Fixed in 1.4.7

Shoho's Sprite doesn't show up in her side story for some reason

(1 edit)

Fixed in 1.4.7



ERROR in action number 1

of Create Event for object obj_enemy_root:

Unable to find any instance for object index '61' name 'obj_manager'

at gml_Object_obj_enemy_root_Create_0


gml_Object_obj_enemy_root_Create_0 (line -1)

gml_Script_instance_create (line -1)


gml_Object_obj_menu5_Draw_0 (line -1)

(1 edit)

Oh I get what this problem is

i'll fix it when I'm back from work

Fixed in 1.4.7

Android can't download and run the new update. Have the file but it can't parse the package.

It's a very cool game, it's become my favorite, I hope that the game will develop and new levels will appear, although I haven't completely passed because the enemies are very strong.

Grinding old levels for item drops is your friend. Also, I didn't figure out for way too long that when you're in Solphie's stomach menu, you can click arrows to go to a different menu and feed her some of the summoned units you don't want to level her up - something that REALLY enhances her. And if I'm not mistaken, it enhances your telekinesis too.

Later fights got a whole lot easier for me after that.

How to complete the level SR-1? it is very difficult


Couldnt have said it better then the comment below, love the character as well.

 Really loving this game so far, dont play it all the time but its great, fun, entertaining, all the good stuff. Actually trying to draw Solphie right now, has been a bit difficult but its slowly getting done. Take your time with the updates, dont stress yourself and continue at your own pace, ill be here to see all the updates and stuff thats gonna be happening in the futureImage


Hey there, HughoftheSkies!! Firstly, I want to tell you how much I love "World Eater!" I have always loved giantess and oral vore my whole life, and I am a total sucker for tower defense games. I love the games where you can upgrade your units and allies. ^w^

I am very impressed by how much content this game has to offer! From a cute and sexy cast of characters, to the gameplay and mechanics! I won't lie, the system of leveling up allies confused me. I wasn't sure how to level them up, but the sorting mechanic was a very useful tool. (ᵕ—ᴗ—)

It's a shame I couldn't see the process of you developing this game. I would have loved to provide ideas and concepts for the game. One of the only critiques I have is when you are in battle, all of your allies move to the left of the screen.

Because of this, it's rather difficult to see what enemies appear. ( ;´ - `;) Maybe there can be a mechanic where you can move allies as you do enemies, or maybe they can return to a specific point on the battlefield while they digest their foes. >:3

But my very favorite character, mechanic, and part of the story is Solphie herself! She's so cute and silly. I LOVE her dialogue! (♡﹃♡) Large girls swallowing enemies are so hot! I nearly lost my mind when I learned you'd be eaten eventually AND be able to feed demon allies to her. >:3 I just wish I could digest in her guts with everyone else~ ♡(,,>﹏<,,)♡♡

Anyways, I want to wrap this up by saying I've been a HUGE fan of your work for a while. I'm so happy you love oral vore as much as me! 
And I hope I can get an Oc into your game some day!!


Will there be a Mac release?

found a bug keep losing saves can you fix plz

I wish the burp power deactivated bard charges

I think there is currently a bug with the lance enemies, none of them seem to gain any speed over time and just stay at an extremely slow speed

Oh hecc, you're right! Thanks dood

Man i love this game

Thanks, I'll try to make this til the ending


Does steam even accept these stuffs?

(1 edit)

Certainly!Because its excellent!

Hi, I'm stuck in W3-12, I don't know how to fight the waves of enemies and my units can't take any damage. Could you give me some advice?


Use tanks like centaurs or minotaurs
Ooor wait til the next update (soon, in a week) since I'm planning to nerf the enemies so they can't attack the moment they're spawnd

Honestly surprised you decided to start updates again, I thought you abandoned this.

(1 edit)

I did, but peeps kept asking about the update so I just decided to fininsh the project so I don't get more + and appeal Solphie to more peeps since they seemed to love the orca lass

how do i transfer a save file from the old version to a new version? i give my full endorsement to the artist of these characters


mission w3-12 is complete bullshit how am i supposed to beat the waves of bullshit with the slow attacks and enemies teleporting to sophie? i cant even build up units because of the fucking catapult killing my units without any counters.    


Use bulky units like the centaur, fox, or minotaur that could tank the enemy wave

And always save DPs so you can re-deploy them even if catapults take them out

Though I'm planning to nerf the catapult so they can't shoot as soon as they appear to make the game more fair

(1 edit)

the cannons are also bs, fire the moment they get on the field and are tanky af, and one shot my goblin mages, I think either of them would be fine if we could yknow swat the projectiles out of the air with our telekenesis

If you're on Windows, just modify your save. you can find it through Your PC>Users>[Your User]>AppData and it should be in one of the three folders. Make sure that "See hidden files" is on in the view setings.

(1 edit) (+2)

Suggest adding a feature that allows our unit to move backwards and attack... Some levels may cause our unit to pile up at the front... and the rear will be empty due to a lack of resources to place units

Preds are blinded with hunger, they never look back 


i found a funny bug so i made this 

I have a problem with the font or it's a mistake?

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